Did you have a laugh after watch this?

Friday 30 November 2007

How to complain public service? Here is the example !

If the public service / big organisation's customer services drive you mad... then I think you need to following this example of how to complain to BT!!!


Do you think BT is happy? Why? Because of their GOOD services, they can appear on youtube. Maketing!

Hello Kitty face digital camera

Hello Kitty, one of the most popular Japanese characters in pop culture, is being reborn as a high-tech digital camera. Sanrio will release a 5-mega pixel digital camera in the shape of Kitty's face.The camera has a function to prevent you from blurring images. Sanrio plans to release the camera abroad as well.


I want it, when can I buy it in UK?? lol

Text Message guide you to the nearest public toilet in London

Westminster City Council launched a new mobile phone text message service that will guide Londoners and tourists to their nearest public lavatory.

The service is available across the Westminster, an area that includes many of the capital's most popular sights, such as Big Ben, Trafalgar Square and Buckingham Palace.

Unlike in-car devices that rely on satellites to pinpoint someone's location, the SatLav uses mobile phone technology.

All that comes at a price, however. Rather than spending a penny, people will be charged 25 pence per text.


If the department stores or pub in front of you, will you still send the text message ask for toilet location, and then wonder around where is the toilet?!!!

Thursday 29 November 2007

Save money can make me laugh

As you know, a lot of the organisation's Customer Services telephone number start from 0844, 0845, 0870, or 0871 numbers. They are exclude in your 'free minutes' package and many mobile phone packages also exclude freephone 0800 and 0808 numbers for your bundled minutes.

Now you can find all these organisation's noramal rate telephone number.

How? Easy. Go to http://www.saynoto0870.com and then click on the 'Search to find an alternative number' link at the top of the page.

Hope this info can help you save money and have a smile on your face.

That is not true. Cats like chase each others.

3 Cats Showing how much they care about their friendship


Are you the same?

Magic (Tell me how can I do the same ???)